
Latest in the Art and Science of Esthetics and Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry

October 8, 2014 at 2:30 AM to 3:00 PM


HDS, CDA, ADA Active Member $160.00
Hygienist $85.00
Non-ADA Member Dentist $255.00

General Information

Course Number 10092014
Provider Harbor Dental Society
Location The Centre at Sycamore Plaza, 5000 Clark Ave., Lakewood, CA 90712
Speaker Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD and Avishai Sadan, DMD
Type/Category Core
Credits 5

Dr. Magne is the pioneer of the biomimetic approach to restorative dentistry and is renowned worldwide for his clinical research, and educational activity and authorship in esthetic and adhesive dentistry. This CE Program is a worthwhile investment for your professional growth!

CE Speaker: Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD

CE TOPIC: Bonded Restorations in the Anterior and Posterior Dentitions"

It is now clearly established that a new biomimetic approach to restorative dentistry is possible through the structured use of "tooth-like" restorative materials (composite resins and ceramics) and the generation of a long-lasting hard tissue bond (enamel and dentin bonding) that mimics the dentinoenamel complex. This presentation reviews the core values of this concept and presents new elements to shape the future of anterior and posterior bonded restorations. Using science, common sense and experience, this lecture will reveal that preservation of tooth biology and remaining intact tissues is "priceless".

Guest Speaker: Avishai Sadan, DMD who is Dean and G. Donald and Marian James Montgomery Professor of Dentistry at the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC will highlight the current state of dental education and share perspectives on the experience of being a dental student.

CE SPONSOR: The Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC  CE FLYER

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