Tax Update for Dentists 'LIVE' Webinar December 9, 2024
November 18, 2024
This 'live' webinar will provide updates with the latest information on what to expect with a new President and a new Congress as well as discussing what tax planning moves Dentists can make before the end of 2024 and into 2025. Free of charge as a member benefit - sign up today!Unleash the Power of DMARC: Keeping Your Emails as Strong as Your Dental Hygiene!
February 13, 2024
Hope this news finds you brushing up on your email game, Google has some shiny new email rules just in time for the new year. What changes does Google have for this year? Email security and email verification.February 7 'live' Mandatory CE for California dentists for license renewal
February 5, 2024
'Live' CE Webinar via Zoom: Mandatory CE for California dentists for license renewal: Register Here Responsibilities and Requirements for Prescribing Controlled Substances (Schedule II Opioid Drugs) Date:Wed, Feb. 7, 2024 Time:6pm-8pm CE Speakers: Casey Grover, MD & Reb Close, MD 2 CEU core Learning Objectives: ·Explore pain management drug options for acLong Beach Clinic Aug 17 2024 - Call for Clinic Volunteers and Dental Home Providers
February 5, 2024
Call to Volunteer Harbor Members - The CDA Foundation hosts a volunteer-led clinic in Long Beach Aug. 17, 2024 and needs Dental Home Providers to help Patients access oral healthcare treatments2024 Harbor CE Program Series - 'live' Webinars and In-Person Options
January 1, 2024
Harbor CE programs offers value, savings, flexibility with 'live' CE webinars and in-person CE programs, with the convenience of tracked CE to keep you organized and help you meet your license renewal requirements with ease.2023
Unlocking the Value of Remote Dental Professionals
November 21, 2023
This article summarizes common scenarios and best practices when considering a remotedental professional. Traditionally, the blueprint for a private practice has been to have all front office tasks initiated and completed within the four walls of the office. However, as the demand for skilled professionals often outpaces the available workforce, practices have had to explore innovatLoan Repayment Programs for Practicing Dentists
October 2, 2023
Loan Repayment Programs for Practicing Dentists The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is the Voice of Dental Education (since 1923). It tracks and reports updates about key legislation and trends impacting the (dental) health professions community, particularly ‘education’. Its principal aim is to assist oral health professionals’ readiness for the future.
Increasing Profits through The Circle of Focus
October 1, 2023
Harbor Dental Society is gearing up for a timely 'live' CE Webinar "Increasing Profits through The Circle of Focus" with the dynamic and popular speaker Dr. Anissa Holmes Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 6pm-8pm PST. Check it out...
Long Beach Gives Starts Today - All Donations Welcome
September 14, 2023
September 14 is here and is the official start of our online fundraiser via Long Beach Gives 2023, culminating to a 24-hour giving day on September 21st.The Harbor Dental Society Foundation is a participant again this year. We welcome all levels of donations – large or small are greatly appreciated to reach our goal of $5,000. Here are a few simple ways to help: Donate in any aDiversity in Dentistry CE with Dr Yanina Youzy, DDS Sept 16
September 13, 2023
Sign up today for a Live (in person) CE Event in Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday September 16th at 9:00 am.PST. The timely topic being covered is Diversity in Dentistry – specifically how to treat diverse patients. The event is completely free, with a full breakfast and there will be door prizes for all attendees. Register Today!
Transitions for Sellers and Buyers in 2023 Seminar Sept 30
August 24, 2023
This comprehensive Transitions Seminar is free-of-charge and geared for dentists looking to transition out of their practices and buyers looking to become practice owners. RSVP today!
Harnessing the Power of Influencer Marketing in Dentistry
August 1, 2023
Harnessing the Power of Influencer Marketing in Dentistry In the ever-evolving landscape of dental marketing, there's a trend that's particularly noteworthy for our industry: influencer marketing. Now, before you envision movie stars flashing their pearly whites, let's recalibrate our understanding. Your next influencer might just be sitting in your waiting room. Find
HDS Foundation selected as participant of Long Beach Gives 2023
June 30, 2023
Harbor Dental Society Foundation is excited to tell you that we have been selected as one of the Long Beach Gives 2023 participants and are gearing up for our online fundraising campaign today.
Live CE Webinar: Are You Ready? Understand How Dental Plans Use AI in the Audit Process
June 26, 2023
Have you dealt with a dental plan audit in the past? If so, you know how stressful the process can be. If you have yet to deal with an audit, you will likely deal with one in your career. You will have an opportunity to get your questions answered as Cindy walks through the audit process.
Boost Your Dental Practice on Google Maps: 3 Dental SEO Tips To Do Today
June 16, 2023
Boost Your Dental Practice on Google Maps: 3 Dental SEO Tips To Do Today By Adrian Lefler CEO My Social Practice adrian@mysocialpractice.com As a dental practitioner, you're an expert at ensuring patients wear their brightest, healthiest smiles. However, drawing those patients into your practice involves another skill set you might have yet to explore in-depth: optimizing your
Harbor Dental Society President's Message to Members
June 1, 2023
Dear Harbor Members, Supporting Our Members: Your Board of Directors is Here for You Our members are the backbone of Harbor Dental Society. Harbor members are recognized for providing their time, skills, and energy to make a difference in the community. Harbor’s Board, serving as the leadership team recognizes the invaluable contribution our members make and want to emphasize tIn-Person Business of Dentistry: Roadmap, Resources for Real Dentistry Today
April 10, 2023
In-Person Business of Dentistry: Roadmap, Resources for Real Dentistry Today Saturday, April 29 | 9am-1:30pm 3 CEU (20% non-core) Breakfast Buffet, Business Briefingsw/Resources& Giveaways Dave & Busters, 20 City Blvd. West, Orange, CA 92868 Who should attend and Why: New Dentists, Dental Students, Recent Grads This Business of Dentistry event is where you will beCyber threats and the importance of data security
April 3, 2023
Cyber security threats in the healthcare industry are increasing; there were an estimated 11 million data breaches at healthcare facilities around the world during the pandemic. These targeted attacks have highlighted the need for the industry to look at cyber security from small to large facilities and increase protection for patient’s PHI (Protected Health Information) data.
Employment Law Update 2023 March 21
February 24, 2023
CE Topic/Speaker: 'Live' Webinar on “The Pre-employment, Employment, and Post-employment Relationship—Top Tips, Tricks and Red Flags” with attorney and partner of Scott & Whitehead Michael Rossiter.
Register Today for Sept. 6 Opioid Prescribing for Dentists 'live' CE Webinar
January 12, 2023
Required course for California dentists as of January 1, 2023, that covers the responsibilities and requirements of prescribing controlled substances (schedule II opioid drugs)for license renewal. 'live' CE Webinar:Responsibilities and Requirements for Prescribing Controlled Substances (Schedule II Opioid Drugs) IMPORTANT: This course satisfies the 2 CE unitrequirementmade effective2022

'live' CE Webinar Coding and Billing 2023
November 30, 2022
Being a Harbor Member has value-driven privileges. What's new for 2023? A Jan 10 'live' CE Webinar covering Coding and Billing Changes for 2023. Make sure you are totally up to date so you don’t make mistakes that will cost you in 2023.
'live' CE Webinar HIPAA Training Jan 4 2023
November 29, 2022
Harbor Members - take advantage of this member benefit - free of charge. There has never been a better time for you to get your HIPAA training up to date!How to Unlock Operational Efficiency and Save on Administrative Costs
November 8, 2022
How to Unlock Operational Efficiency and Save on Administrative Costs Digitization and consumerism have transformed healthcare in recent years. Add staffing shortages to the mix and many practices are struggling to meet patient expectations and deliver a positive experience. All sectors are dealing with the “great resignation”, and it’s hitting healthcare hard. Job openings
Business of Dentistry and Practice Transitions Falls 2022 Series
October 17, 2022
Business of Dentistry and Practice Transitions Fall 20222 Webinar Series are here to help you thrive as a dentist. These are free-of-charge and one of many Harbor member benefits that are value-driven to give you what you want when you need it. Enjoy the educational series and sign up to get the recordings.
Donate to CDA Foundation and Join as Friend
October 12, 2022
The CDA Foundation is seeking donations for itsannual Silent Auction at this year’s House, November 18-19, 2022. All proceeds from this event will benefit the foundation by supporting its mission to improve the oral health of all Californians by continually linking dentistry with community needs. You may participate by donating/soliciting in-kind auction items or becoming a Friend of t
In-Person CE Oct 20 with Dr. Mario Abdennour - Register Today
September 5, 2022
Now is the time to invest in yourself with in-person CE on Precision-Based Endodontics. Register Today!Last Chance to Register for Sept 22 'live' CE Webinar
September 3, 2022
Update: Sept 22 CE Program is now a Live Webinar from 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Donate Today to the HDS Foundation via Long Beach Gives
September 1, 2022
Donate online for the HDS Foundation Long Beach Gives Fundraiser - Sept. 15-Sept 22
HDS Foundation Long Beach Gives Fundraiser Starts Sept 15 thru Sept 22
August 10, 2022
HDS Foundation Long Beach Gives Fundraiser Starts Sept 15 thru Sept 22 Harbor Dental Society Foundation is excited to tell you about Long Beach Gives! The HDS Foundation has been selected as one of the Long Beach Gives 2022 participants and we are gearing up for a week-long online fundraising campaign. All donation levels are welcome. Early giving will start on September 15th, culminating to aLive Webinar: Insights on Setting Up In-House Dental Membership Plans
August 2, 2022
'Live' Webinar: Insights from S. California Dental Practice Team Member Leveraging Kleer to SetupIn-House Dental Membership Plans Join us onWednesday, September 14, 2022at 6:30p PST. Register Here Kleer’s smart, seamless software solution is designed to empower autonomy — giving you the freedom to make the most important decisions for yourself, your practice, and your
'Live' HIPAA and Cybersecurity Training Aug 10
July 1, 2022
Signup free today: There has never been a better time for you to get your HIPAA training up to date!
In-Person CE Sept. 22 geared toward Dental Clinical and Career Growth
June 6, 2022
All-In-One and Done In-Person CE Event SEPT. 22 5 CEU core. Read more...
Dental Staffing Service Solutions for Harbor Dental Society Members
June 1, 2022
The newly announced dental staffing service solution powered by DirectDental for members of the Harbor Dental Society, with more than 725 dentists in 28 cities across the Los Angeles Harbor area, will allow the Society’s members to quickly find and recruit dental staff from DirectDental’s database of more than 50,000 dental professionals.
'live' Dental Webinar June 14, 2022 on How to Control Your Overhead
May 31, 2022
In this webinar, Gary goes through 6 specific goals & 5 strategies that you can work towards controlling your practice overheads at 60% or less.
Disaster Preparedness 'live' CE Webinar May 3
April 4, 2022
Join us for this dynamic 2 CE Credit Disaster Preparedness 'live' CE Webinar. Participants will learn how to use their skills, training and experience to prepare for, assess and respond to disasters. Register today!
Feb 22 Webinar: 6 Steps to Successfully Reduce Insurance Dependence
February 17, 2022
There will be exclusive extras and offers for live attendees and a live Q&A/coaching session with Gary Takacs where you can have all your questions related to having a thriving practice answered. Check your Harbor emails for the link to join or call the HDS office, 562.595.6303.
'live' CE Webinar Feb 24 on Surgical Extractions and Innovations in Dentistry
February 14, 2022
Register for Harbor Dental Society's value-driven CE program that is in a 'live' webinar format to make it easy, convenient and cost effective to attend. Dr. Sam Shamardi will be addressing "Surgical Extractions with Simultaneous Bone Grafting and Innovations in Dentistry" on Thursday, Feb. 24 from 3pm-8pm PST.New COVID-19 Guidelines for Health Care Professionals
January 11, 2022
COVID-19 Updates to Keep you in the Know Harbor Dental Society is doing its best to keep on top of the ever-changing information related to Covid-19.Please continue to refer to the following sites for the latest information for members, staff, and patients. In order to keep information clear and concise please refer to the following sites and links for up-to-date information. Important UpPrepare for Cal/OSHA changes effective Jan. 14
January 10, 2022
Prepare for Cal/OSHA changes effective Jan. 14 As CDA explained in an email sent to members Jan. 7, the guidance being issued by multiple federal, state and local agencies remains confusing and complicated, and the confusion and disruptions are expected over the next several weeks until the current omicron surge wanes. What we know CDA is committed to providing members the most up-to-date a
Business of Dentistry Required Report for HHS Provider Relief Funds
January 7, 2022
For any dentist who received over $10,000 between July 1 - December 31 of 2020, they must report how they used this money they received between January 1 and March 31 of 2022. This webinar will walk dentists step-by-step through what information they need to gather and how to report the information on the HHS portal.PCIHIPAA Jan 12 CA Dental Practice Act Postponed
January 6, 2022
Please be advised that thePCIHIPAA Jan 12 CA Dental Practice Act is Postponed until February due to recent changes to the Dental Practice Act. The new date will be announced soon and you will be able to register for the course on our website. The OSHA and Infection Control course on Jan 19 is still taking place, and you can register for the course here:https://harbordentalsociety.or2021

DrFirst launches iPrescribe a standalone mobile app E-prescriptions solution
November 23, 2021
The mobile app is fully HIPAA-compliant to keep patients’ protected health information secure, provides safety alerts for potential drug interactions and allergies, and allows real-time access to patient medication history and copay information. The app is free to download by March 31, 2022. IMPORTANT: To get the offer, use the required discount code: HDS
Top Reasons to Setup a Dental Health Plan and Online Reputation Management for Your Practice
November 3, 2021
Top Reasons to Setup a Dental Health Plan and Online Reputation Management for Your Practice Free 'live' Webinar DATE/TIME: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 6pm-7pm PST REGISTER TODAY -:Registration (gotowebinar.com) Swell Online Reputation Management and Branding Your Practice for Maximum Impact Learning objectives: • Engage with anyone, anywhere, anytime - Make your onlineBusiness of Dentistry: Uncover the Hidden Potential in Your Hygiene Team
October 22, 2021
You will want to attend this Business of Dentistry Webinar if you are looking for a solid business strategy can become the foundation of a successful practice and help your hygiene team.Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Tips, Tricks & Techniques for Profitable PPO Participation
October 7, 2021
NEW! Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar Free to Harbor Members Topic: Tips, Tricks and Techniques for More Profitable PPO Participation ?Wednesday, October 13, 2021 |6 – 8 p.m. PDT Participation with insurance PPOs is common for many practices. Unfortunately, even though insurance participation is typically a huge expense, it doesn’t receive consistent
HDS Foundation Online Fundraiser Countdown Begins
September 14, 2021
MAKING A DIFFERENCE AND POSITIVE IMPACT TO GIVE ACCESS TO ORAL HEALTHCARE TREATMENT - Early giving starts Sep 17th, culminating to a 24-hour giving day on Sept 23rd. We need your support to help us reach our goal of $5000. All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Financial Planning 101
August 26, 2021
The Business of Dentistry Webinar Financial Planning 101 Wednesday, September 8, 2021 |6 – 8 p.m. PDT Planning for financial independence and retirement while building your dental practice is an issue that concerns dentists at all stages of their career. Developing a financial plan with the guidance of a team of professional advisors can help you meet your unique current and future goalBusiness of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Tips to Motivate Your Dental Team
August 9, 2021
Business of Dentistry: Tips to Motivate Your Dental Team Date & Time Wednesday, August 11, 2021 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. REGISTER HERE Course Description: There is nothing more important—or more difficult—for a practice than putting together a dynamic team. In today’s competitive environment, without a great team, it is impossible to truly serve the community.Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Reducing Your Practice's Dependency on Insurance
July 12, 2021
Harbor Member Benefit: Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Reducing your practice's dependency on insurance Date & Time Wednesday, July 14, 2021 6-8 p.m.PDT FREE In this session, Gary will help you understand what you need to do to successfully resign from PPO Plans, giving you the ability to have a dental practice and a career that makes you feel like you’
Dentistry’s Changing Workforce Composition and the Age of Digital Transformation
July 7, 2021
Dentistry’s Changing Workforce Composition and the Age of Digital Transformation De-Constructing the Old Model of Practice and Preparing for the Future by Christine Sison, BS, MSProvider Relief Fund Portal opens July 1 and registration open for reporting requirements Webinar July 8
July 1, 2021
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released revised reporting requirements for recipients of Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments. This announcement includes expanding the amount of time providers will have to report information, aims to reduce burdens on smaller providers, and extends key deadlines for expending PRF payMember Benefit Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar Reducing Your Practice's Dependency on Insurance
June 18, 2021
Business of Dentistry 'live' Webinar: Reducing Your Practice's Dependency on Insurance Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 Time: 6-8 p.m. PDT Cost: FREE In this session, Gary will help you understand what you need to do to successfully resign from PPO Plans, giving you the ability to have a dental practice and a career that makes you feel like you’re able to fully appreciaFirst Virtual Networking Lounge at CDA Presents May 14
May 5, 2021
Register for CDA Presents and you will be able to attend Harbor Dental Society's first virtual Networking Lounge May 14, 6:30pm-7:30pm (virtual doors open at 6pm) co-hosted with Monterey Bay Dental Society.Member Benefit: PCIHIPAA CE Webinar June 17, 2021
May 4, 2021
"Is Your Practice Safe?" Live HIPAA Training PCIHIPAA has teamed up with Harbor Dental Society to put on this exciting complimentary webinar (1.5 credits). 2020 was an unprecedented year for healthcare providers. Forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances, practices across the nation scrambled to put together a response plan to ensure compliance with new OSHA and HIPAA guid
Member Benefit: Harbor Endorsed Dental Payment Solution by Rectangle Health
April 22, 2021
For a limited-time only, sign up now to qualify for an exclusive $200 rebate to be issued after your first 90 days of payment. For more details, please contact David Fitzgerald, Practice Management Consultant, at 314-677-0891 or dfitzgerald@rectanglehealth.com.Business of Dentistry Webinar: Cybersecurity and Fraud Prevention for Dentists
April 13, 2021
Cybersecurity and Fraud Prevention for Dentists takes place Wednesday, April 14, 2021 | 6 – 8 p.m. PST. Join us for two hour-long presentations focusing on cybersecurity and fraud. During the first hour, we’ll focus on cybersecurity considerations for dental practices, and in the second hour, we'll discuss considerations to help prevent and detect fraud in your dental practice.Vaccines Update in LA and OC Counties
April 12, 2021
Vaccines made by Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (J&J) are now available in Los Angeles County. In large studies that involved a diverse mix of people, all 3 vaccines were shown to besafeand effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, including severe illness and death. In addition, there is early data showing that the vaccines may help keep people from spreading COVID-19. We&March 30 CE Course - How to Stay Healthy in the Dental Office During the Pandemic
March 29, 2021
How to Stay Healthy in the Dental Office During the Pandemic —Learn from the Experts! Tue, Mar 30, 2021| 6:00 PM-8:30 PMBring your entire dental team! Why Attend? Xcelable is offering Harbor members theirown mobile app with ergonomic educational videos and fitness health videos for free for the first two monthsto attendees who sign up for the March 30 CE Webinar. We have three exHow you can potentially receive full forgiveness on your Round 1 PPP Loan
February 24, 2021
As most of you know on Sunday, December 27, 2020 the President signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA). This was a $900 Billion economic stimulus package and the new law has several provisions primarily dealing with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that directly (and very positively) affects dentists.
Dental Practice Operations: Re-Imagined
February 1, 2021
Dental Practice Operations: Re-Imagined. How COVID-19 May Change the Front Desk Role and the Use of Remote, Specialized Teams by Christine Sison, BA, MS, CEO of Swiss Monkey As the dental industry re-emerges from COVID-19 and with social distancing measures in effect, dental practices are looking for ways to become more efficient. The concept of using remote or virtual teams for tradiThe Future of Dental Plans
January 22, 2021
The Future of Dental Plans How in-office plans are changing the game By Landon Lemoine, VP of Growth at Bento Whether you're just starting a practice or have been established for years, providing in-office plans can help solve some of biggest challenges your practice will face financially today. In-office plans are a relatively new subscription-based membership model that can gene2020
California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant to provide $500 million relief gran
December 28, 2020
Visit the website CAReliefGrant.com to review information on eligibility, prepare your business documents and get ready to apply!
Feb 11, 2021 LIVE CE Webinar: 'Dentistry for the Ages and the AGED'
December 18, 2020
Upcoming LIVE CE Webinar: 'Dentistry for the Ages and the AGED' Date:Thurs, Feb 11, 2021 CE Speaker:Arthur Tomaro, DDS 2 CEU core Time:6pm-8:15pm CE Sponsors: SHOFU and Perio Protect REGISTER HERE Geriatric Dentistry is a reality. Baby Boomers are Senior Citizens. Recent polls show the largest category to visit the dental office on a regular basis are Baby BooHarbor's 2021 LIVE CE Webinar Series
December 11, 2020
Harbor Dental Society 2021 ‘Live’ CE WebinarSeries February 2021 Live CE Webinar CE Topic: 'Dentistry for the Ages and the AGED' Date: Thurs, Feb 11, 2021 Time: 6:00pm-8:15pm CE Speaker: Arthur Tomaro, DDS 2 CEU core Geriatric Dentistry is a reality. Baby Boomers are Senior Citizens. Recent polls show the largest category to visit the dental office onYear-end Tax Planning / R & R Webinar for Harbor members
December 1, 2020
The Business of Dentistry: A Series for Success Harbor Member Benefit Only - FREE to our members. First Session: Year-End Tax Planning/R&D Webinar December 9, 2020 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. PST Presenter:
Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention Training
November 24, 2020
Course Date: Tues, Dec 15 Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention Training Required Training for Dentists and Office Managers Only. Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Time: 6:00pm - 8:00 pm 2 core CEU Price: $25 Location: GoToWebinar Register Here IMPORTANT: Please do not share your Join Link to this webinar with anyone. Each Join Link is unique to the person's regist
Harbor distributes donated PPE to Harbor members
November 20, 2020
Harbor has and will continue to work diligently for you and advocate on your behalf. We will continue to share timely COVID-19 developments that impact your practice with resources including ADA toolkits, CDA guidance and 'live' CE webinars at low cost and free to be sensitive to these challenging and uncertain times we are all experiencing together. When we learned that COVID-19 was up
LIVE CE Webinar: Nov. 19, 2020 California Dental Practice Act: - Where's the Line? 2020
November 10, 2020
California Dental Practice Act: - Where's the Line? 2020 Register Here! Be sure to attend this webinar will not be recorded. Date: November 19, 2020 Time:6pm-8:15pm PST Course Fee: $49 CEU: 2core CE Provider: Harbor Dental Society Method:electronically mediated live lecture Audience:general dentists and auxiliary for licensure renewal CE Speaker: Nancy Dewhirst, RDH, BS T
LIVE CE Webinar: Dec. 3, 2020 Tweaked, Cracked, and Loaded: A Profile of the Addicted Dental Patient
November 10, 2020
“Tweaked”, “Cracked”, and “Loaded”: A Profile of the Addicted Dental Patient Date: December 3, 2020 2 CEU CE Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Be sure to attend, this webinar will not be recorded. 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Installation of Officers, Life Member recognition, and staff appreciation. Instructor Name: Ronni Brown, DDS, MPH Price:$49.00 To registe
X-ray film recycling made easy for dentists
November 9, 2020
X-ray film recycling in Long Beach, CA is here for you! B.W. Recycling recycles x-ray film for silver, and picks-up your x-rays for free anywhere in California. B.W. Recycling pays for the x-rays by the Lband provides you with a HIPAA compliant certificate of destruction for the x-rays picked-up, and the x-ray silver recovery process is 100% eco-friendly and the company is registered wit
LIVE CE Webinar: Nov 5, 2020 Annual OSHA Training & Infection Control - Safety In the Shadow of a Pandemic
September 18, 2020
Annual OSHA Training & Infection Control - Safety In the Shadow of a Pandemic Register Here! Be sure to attend this webinar will not be recorded. Date: November 5, 2020 Time:6pm-9:15pm PST Course Fee: $49 for HDS/OCDS Members $79 Other Components $99 for Non-ADA Members CEU: 3core CE Provider: Harbor Dental Society Method:electronically mediated live lecture Audience:general
Live CE Webinar on Implant Prosthetics Oct. 15 2020
September 4, 2020
The restoration of implants in the aesthetic zone varies significantly from implant treatment in other areas. Attend to receive key takeaways you can apply to your practice immediately.
LIVE CE Webinar Posterior Director Restorations - Contacts, Complications, Cosmetics and Occlusion Sept. 17, 2020
August 1, 2020
Harbor's LIVE CE Webinar Series 2020 Posterior Director Restorations - Contacts, Complications, Cosmetics and Occlusion CE Speaker: Todd C. Snyder, DDS, AAACD CE Date: Thurs, Sept 17, 2020 Time: 6pm-8:15pm CEU: 2 core Sponsors: GC America and BISCO Register today -https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9085623429411295244 Be sure to attend as the webinar will not be re
Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act & How it Changes Forgiveness for your PPP Loan
July 24, 2020
Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act & How it Changes Forgiveness for your PPP Loan FREE Webinar Recording & Financial Tools exclusively for Harbor Dental Society and OCDS Members Link to June 23, 2020 Webinar Recording with Speakers: https://eidebailly.zoom.us/rec/share/vvJqcKjw8GJJZZWdxGvgGZ5xAY31X6a81XVP__pfmRtnZSmOXGT5-AlFS_EgS6Hh Resources: PPP Forgiveness
Live CE Webinar - Today's Employment Hot Topics for Dental Practices Aug. 27, 2020
July 20, 2020
Harbor's LIVE CE Webinar Series 2020 CE Program: Today's Employment Hot Topics for Dental Practices Date: August 27, 2020 Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Speaker: Anita York, Esq. 2 CE 20% This webinar is open to dentists only. Be sure to attend, this session will not be recorded. Register today -https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3304025153192981516 Today’
Live CE Webinar California Dental Practice Act July 16, 2020
July 15, 2020
This July 16 CE webinar reviews the California Dental Practice Act (DPA) topics and regulations that are required for re-licensure.
Live CE Webinar Infection Control July 9 2020 and CDPA July 16
June 26, 2020
Harbor's LIVE CE Webinar Series 2020 You don't want to miss out on these two highly sought out coursesfor your license renewal! July 9, 2020 Dental Infection Control in the Shadow of COVID-19 ?Where: GoToWebinar CE Speaker: Nancy Dewhirst, RDH, BS CEU: 2.5 core Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020 Time: 6:00 pm-8:45 pm Price
Free CE for HDS and OCDS members: Airway Management
June 12, 2020
We're excited to announce our first-ever LIVE virtual CE Program! "Airway Management, minimizing case failures while creating new revenues for your practice" with CE speaker Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz.
Webinar: The Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act and How It Changes Forgiveness of your PPP Loan
June 11, 2020
Harbor Dental Society and OCDS are inviting members to a free and timely Zoom webinar on The Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act, How it Changes Forgiveness of your PPP Loan, Cash flow strategies after PPP, and how to work with EIDLCongress passed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act
June 4, 2020
With strong bipartisan support, the Senate passed the PPP modifications that the House passed last week. New round of guidance will be issued by the Treasury and SBA.
Harbor Dental Society is here for you with COVID-19 Resources, Webinars, Alerts
June 1, 2020
Please continue to visit Harbor's Facebook page for updates www.harbordentalsociety.org along with the ADA.org/virus, as COVID-19 updates are being added daily. Visit cda.org/covid19 for the most up-to-date resources to help you navigate your dental practice, dental staff, patients, and community efforts.
Harbor Virtual Grassroots Advocacy Day with CDA
June 1, 2020
Harbor Dental Society had a productive Virtual Grassroots Advocacy Day held May 21, 2020 that set the record as the first Virtual Leg Day for CDA.PPE available through TDSC
May 22, 2020
?The PPE kits are now available and free to all California dentists. Each order will be processed with a fixed $20 shipping and handling fee when the order is placed.
SBA and Treasury Release Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application
May 15, 2020
The Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, released the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application and detailed instructions for the application.
Webinar PPP loans, Legal HR to Minimize the Impact of COVID-19 on your Dental Practice
May 6, 2020
May 7 'Live" Webinar: Financial and Legal HR Considerations to Minimize the Impact of COVID-19 on your Dental Practice. Register today and submit questions on the registration form to get your burning questions answered by the expert panelists - CPA Art Wiederman, Employment Attorney Anita York, ADA Congressional Lobbyist Megan Mortimer and ADA President Dr. Chad Gehani.Preparing for changes when returning to practice in response to COVID-19
May 4, 2020
California dentists are preparing for changes when returning to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Postponement of CDA Cares Long Beach
April 30, 2020
Important notice To protect the health of volunteers and patients,CDA Cares Long Beach, which was scheduled for July 17-18, 2020, has been indefinitely postponed until public health officials deem it is safe to reschedule.The CDA Foundation’s dentist-led board is pursuing newwaysto support the oral health of all Californians during this time. Stay connected to our CDA Cares Facebook group
ADA COVID-19 Exclusive Offers for Members
April 1, 2020
As an ADA member you have access to exclusive offers that may help your practice, and your patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Live Town Hall Webinar with Q&A on "Financial Planning for Dental Practice Owners Through COVID-19"
March 27, 2020
Live Town Hall Webinar with Q&A on "Financial Planning for Dental Practice Owners Through COVID-19"...Register today
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Facts & Resources Update
March 16, 2020
Harbor Dental Society will continue to update members as information becomes available. Thank you as valued members and staff to maintain high standards of infection prevention for the safety of patients, staff and community.
Postponed March 19 CE
February 28, 2020
CE Topic: Adhesive Dentistry – Maximizing the Placement of Anterior and Posterior Composites The use of composite resin material as a direct restorative for anterior and posterior restorations has dramatically increased in the market place. Come hear Dr. Marc Geissberger make sense of it all and to explain what to watch for in the future.
Online CE for FREE - a Harbor Dental Society member benefit
January 23, 2020
Harbor Dental Society proudly announces the first-ever collaborative membership benefit for our members and auxiliary staff - Online CE for Free, 24/7! This online CE forum is offered to Harbor, San Francisco, South Alameda County, and Orange County Dental Societies members and their dental teams.These Southern and Northern CaliforniaDental Societies’ are collaborating to bring you, aNew Year means New Tax and Employment Laws - Register for Feb 7 Smart Start Dental Update
January 13, 2020
Start your new year stress-free by attending Harbor and Orange County Dental Societies’ Smart Start Dental course Friday, Feb. 7, 2020 from 8am to 2pm at the Old Ranch Country Club in Seal Beach with a special focus on the 2020 Tax and Employment Laws to keep your practice in compliance and out of trouble and reduce the stress of being a practice owner. Hear from the noted experts – Dental CPA ArtCalHealthCares 2020 application cycle opens in January
January 6, 2020
Eligible dentists, dental students, physicians and medical residents can apply beginning Jan. 13 for up to $300,000 in student loan repayment or a practice support grant through the Proposition 56 Medi-Cal Physicians and Dentists Loan Repayment Program, known as CalHealthCares.CDT 2020 Dental Procedure Codes now available from the ADA
January 1, 2020
Get paid more quickly and keep more detailed patient records with CDT 2020: Dental Procedure Codes. New and revised codes fill in the coding gaps and more precisely identify areas of the oral cavity, which leads to quicker reimbursements and more accurate record keeping. CDT 2020 is the most up-to-date coding resource and the only HIPAA-recognized code set for dentistry.2019

Nominate an outstanding dentist for the 10 Under 10 Award
December 23, 2019
This award recognizes 10 amazing dentists who graduated from dental school less than 10 years ago. Know a new dentist who inspires others in science, education and research, practice excellence, philanthropy, leadership and advocacy? Nominations are open until December 31, 2019.ADA interim policy on ban of non-FDA approved vaping products to protect the health and safety of co
December 16, 2019
The American Dental Association (ADA) today announced a new interim policy on vaping, calling for a total ban on vaping products that aren’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for tobacco cessation purposes.
Four Reasons to stock up on equipment sooner
October 15, 2019
By filling your supply and equipment needs before the end of this year, you can categorize to your advantage before next year’s tax time and get your practice running at peak efficiency.Deadline extended for Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training
September 18, 2019
Harbor has negotiated a 20% discount on online training for sexual harassment prevention for you as an employer and your employees. Login to the members-only section of the website to access the priority member discount code.
ADA New Dentists Conference Sept. 5-6, 2019
August 2, 2019
New dentists — dentists who graduated from dental school less than 10 years ago as well as dental students — who register for the two-day conference in San Francisco will hear Dr. Miguel Stanley on Sept. 5 and then Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., on Sept. 6. The conference, which allows attendees to network and discuss practice issues in a small-group environment, will also include the ever-popular New Dent
CE Program on Building your practice with Implants
June 5, 2019
Dr. Sam Halabo is an accomplished national and international speaker, author, and product evaluator is the June 13 CE Program presenter focusing on "Building your practice with Implants: Enhancing, diagnosis, placement, cementation and marketing. Read MoreEPA's Dental Amalgam Rule and Compliance
June 1, 2019
The rule applies to wastewater discharges to POTWs from offices where the practice of dentistry is performed, including large institutions such as dental schools and clinics; permanent or temporary offices; home offices; and dental offices owned and operated by federal, state, or local governments including military bases. Read More...
Harbor Leaders Visit the Capitol for CDA Leg Day to Meet with Legislators
May 6, 2019
Harbor Leaders Visit the Capitol for CDA Leg Day to Meet with Legislators
CDA Dental Benefit Plans Initiative
May 2, 2019
The California Dental Association is enhancing resources to support members who experience dental benefits-related issues. Through CDA Practice Support, members have access to a dedicated dental benefits plan analyst and a library of online resources that facilitate working with benefit plans. Now, an online intake process streamlines dental benefits plan issue submissions for CDA member deNew benefit for Harbor Members - Sexual Harassment Prevention Online Training and HR Resources
May 1, 2019
Compliance Alert: Effective January 1, 2019, California employers with 5 or more employees (including those located out of state) are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees before January 1, 2020. The minimum count of "5" employees includes seasonal and temporary hires as well as independent contractors. That includes 2 hours of sexual harassment p
Harbor's Mentorship Program to form positive relationships
April 10, 2019
Both mentors and mentees can enjoy the benefits of a personal, collegial relationship, not often available through traditional means of education or other mentorships.
Business of Dentistry : Your Practice Success Roadmap
April 5, 2019
Many recent industry mega-trends including growth in corporate dentistry, downward pressure on insurance reimbursement rates, and stiffer labor laws, to name a few, are making it challenging for private-practicing dentists to succeed without possessing business-minded focus, precision skills and strategies.
Continuing Education focuses on Restorative Dentistry in General Practice
March 6, 2019
Harbor Dental Society's CE Program on Restorative Dentistry is scheduled for Thursday, March 21, 2019 at the Centre at Sycamore Plaza, 5000 Clark, Lakewood, CA. Register to Get in the Know!CDA Seeks applicants for Medicare Task Force
March 1, 2019
CDA is seeking applicants who are familiar with the Medicare program, work in a practice with a high number of Medicare enrollees or who have experience with a range of dental benefits and economics issues. All applicants must be critical thinkers and capable of making evidence-based decisions.Harassment prevention training at CDA Presents Anaheim
March 1, 2019
As of Jan. 1, 2019, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) has updated its workplace discrimination and harassment notice. The notice reflects that employers with five or more employees must now provide training to all employees regarding the prevention of sexual harassment. All training must be completed by Jan. 1, 2020.ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership is accepting applications
February 6, 2019
The ADA is currently accepting applications for the Institute for Diversity in Leadership. For details, visitADA.org/diversityinstitute. The application deadlineis April 12, 2019. Established in 2003 by the ADA, the goal of the Institute is to provide a diverse group of dentists with education and experience so that they can set new leadership paths within the profession and their communitiMore LA Smiles offers Clinical Trainings for Dental Providers
February 5, 2019
Last year, More LA Smiles was launched, a UCLA-led Dental Transformation Initiative dedicated to expanding oral health access to half a million children on Medi-Cal in LA County. Now, as we kick off National Children’s Dental Health Month in February, we’re excited to share with you our program offerings, plans for 2019 and ways to get involved as we continue to roll out new program components.
TDIC’s informed consent form helps dentists follow law when prescribing opioids to minors
January 14, 2019
Beginning Jan. 1, 2019, before a prescriber issues the first prescription for a controlled substance containing an opioid, the prescriber must discuss specific information with the minor or the minor’s parent or guardian as required by Senate Bill 1109 signed into law last September.ADA Statement on Study Involving Dental Floss
January 14, 2019
Recent, wide-spread news coverage based upon a recent research study may raise unwarranted concern about the safety of certain types of dental floss. The ADA Science Institute finds the data insufficient to support the conclusions presented in this research and associated media coverage.Employers must provide sexual harassment prevention training to all employees by Jan. 1, 2020
January 1, 2019
Gov. Jerry Brown last September signed a bill requiring California employers of five or more employees to provide expanded training on sexual harassment prevention to all of their employees by Jan. 1, 2020. Practically speaking, this means employers will need to complete the mandatory one- or two-hour trainings for employees in 2019 to be compliant by the January 2020 deadline.2018

Harbor Installation Dec. 6 2018
December 6, 2018
Harbor's Annual Meeting & Holiday Party with CE Program and 2019 Installation of Officers and Incoming President Santos Cortez, DDS at the Centre at Sycamore Plaza, 5000 Clark, Lakewood, CA 90712 4:30pm Registration 5pm - Exhibits & Photo Booth 6pm Dinner/ CE Program 8:30pm Installation
Giving Tuesday with Harbor Dental Society Foundation
November 26, 2018
The Harbor Dental Society Foundation is celebrating the holiday season with an online fundraiser to support the Children's Dental Health Clinic to help with their efforts to provide quality dental treatment and oral health education to more than 10,000 children a year in our community.Transitioning to a paperless office – how to get started
November 13, 2018
Whether you recently purchased a practice with paper charts or have been maintaining your own paper chart system, you have probably considered going paperless.CDT 2019 Codes are now available from the ADA
September 26, 2018
Get the updated CDT 2019 and Companion Kit and build an even more successful practice. This essential ADA resource helps your team code more accurately – which speeds claim processing, lessens the need for additional information requests, and reduces claim rejectionsEligible Premier providers to be mailed Delta Dental settlement notices
September 24, 2018
Dentists eligible for payments under CDA’s settlement agreement with Delta Dental should have received allocation notices in the mail. The class action settlement administrator mailed letters to approximately 14,000 Premier providers who had their fees impacted by Delta Dental’s “inflationary adjustment percentage.” Dentists who did not have their fees reduced improperly by the inflationary adjust
CDA Cares Modesto Volunteer Registration Open
September 17, 2018
Approximately 1,950 people receive dental care at each CDA Cares clinic. Register to volunteer today to ensure your first-choice placement. You may also review the FAQ and orientation information.State Soda Tax Filed by CDA and CMA to Protect Public Health
July 9, 2018
CDA and the California Medical Association filed a ballot measure last week for the 2020 election to enact a statewide tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) to reverse legislation passed last week that enacts a 12-year moratorium on local SSB taxes. The soda industry’s maneuver, which threatened to move forward with a ballot measure this year requiring a two-thirds vote on all local taxes unNew state oral health plan provides road map for all Californians
May 11, 2018
The plan offers a structure for taking collective action to assess and monitor oral health status and oral health disparities, prevent oral diseases, increase access to dental services, promote best practices and advance evidence-based policies.Take Action on SB 1008 - Dental Plan Accountability
May 4, 2018
Californians deserve to know the value of their dental benefit plans and receive the same types of protections that apply to their medical plans.
Long Beach Stand Down Clinic - Volunteers needed
March 14, 2018
Long Beach City College is hosting a two-day “Veterans Stand Down” April 11th - 12th (Wed/Thurs). Lots of different service providers will be there to help out primarily homeless veterans in need. Sign-ups are quick and simple at www.healingcaliforniacharity.org. Morning, afternoon, and full-day shifts available for both days.
Gregori Kurtzman, DDS to speak at Harbor CE March 22
March 14, 2018
This CE presentation will focus on how to simplify Endo and Restorations with less stress, better outcomes.2017

CDA Cares Anaheim Volunteers Needed - Registration Open!
December 18, 2017
Harbor Dental Society is a Chair Sponsor to support the CDA Cares Anaheim taking place April 27-28, 2018 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Come join the Harbor Team as a Volunteer!CDA Disaster Relief Grant Donations being accepted
October 18, 2017
As a direct result of the October 2017 California wildfires, the CDA Foundation has set up a Disaster Relief Grant for individuals who have been affected by this heartbreaking emergency situation.
ADA 10 Under 10 New Dentists Nominations being accepted
October 17, 2017
The ADA is recognizing 10 amazing dentists who graduated from dental school less than 10 years ago and are already inspiring their colleagues by making a difference in dentistry. These are dentists who demonstrate excellence and inspire others every day – both in their practices and in their communities.Policy statement on opioid abuse adopted by dental board
October 11, 2017
The Dental Board of California in August 2017 finalized and adopted a policy statement recognizing the epidemic of opioid abuse in the U.S., encouraging the dental profession and consumers throughout California to be aware of the growing epidemic and actively participate in finding solutions to this health issue. Read morePolicy statement on opioid abuse adopted by dental board
October 11, 2017
The Dental Board of California in August 2017 finalized and adopted a policy statement recognizing the epidemic of opioid abuse in the U.S., encouraging the dental profession and consumers throughout California to be aware of the growing epidemic and actively participate in finding solutions to this health issue. Read moreAmalgam separator Q&A addresses tenant-landlord responsibility
September 15, 2017
What is the “Dental Amalgam Rule?” The new EPA “Dental Rule” is about the responsible management and disposal of all amalgam waste in dental practices, with the primary focus being on the use of an approved amalgam separator that is ISO 11143:2008 certified at a separation rate of 95%. The rule was published in the Federal Register on June 14, 2017 and went into effect on July 14, 2017. New pEmployers must use newest I-9 Form starting Sept 18
September 8, 2017
If you are planning to hire a new employee soon...read on! A revised 1-9 form used for employment eligibility verification goes into effect September 17, 2017 which was released by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Practice owners who are hiring or planning to hire employees after this date must begin using the updated Form I-9 beginning Monday, Sept. 18.X-ray machine registration and other fees to increase Sept 1
August 14, 2017
Radiologic Health Branch fees are due to increase 26.76 percent Sept. 1, 2017, under the Budget Act of 2016, Chapter 23, in accordance with California Health and Safety Code section 100425.
CDA Cares Bakersfield Volunteers Needed - Registration Open
August 1, 2017
Join your colleagues at CDA Cares Bakersfield and help create heartwarming stories of health and happiness for the community members who need it most. You can make a difference to providing increased access to oral health care to the public who are underserved.Amalgam Separator Federal Ruling Goes into Effect Today
July 14, 2017
Today is not only the commemoration of Bastille Day but also marks the effective date of the final rule for amalgam separators. Most dental practices have until July 14, 2020 to comply with the EPA ruling on amalgam separators that becomes effective July 14, 2017. However new practices must comply by the 2017 date.CDA Cares makes a community impact
June 15, 2017
On April 22, thousands of dental professionals and community members began slipping into the San Mateo Event Center for CDA Cares, the Foundation’s biannual volunteer dental program at no charge. By the end of the two-day event, charitable dental services totaling nearly $1.6 million were provided to 1,973 people, including 12,063 procedures, such as fillings, extractions, and cleanings.
CDA Employment Law Poster Available to Members
April 21, 2017
Unlike prior years, posters are distributed upon request. It's a quick and easy process to request one no-cost CDA poster set for a practice you own. Simply visit www.cda.org/posterset and sign in using your current login and password
Find-a-Dentist: New ADA Campaign to Bring You Patients
April 4, 2017
The ADA has launched a new, 3-year digital consumer advertising campaign to get more patients in members’ chairs. To capitalize on this opportunity, paid search and digital ads targeting these potential patients will direct them to the new ADA® Find-a-Dentist™ tool to book an appointment.CDA achieves favorable outcome in Delta Dental case
March 23, 2017
CDA’s long legal battle against Delta Dental has resulted in a settlement with significant concessions from the dental benefit planNew language required in anesthesia informed consent form
March 7, 2017
Under AB 2235, the pediatric anesthesia bill signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown last September, dentists are required to obtain written informed consent from the parent or legal guardian of a minor patient prior to administration of general anesthesia or conscious sedation.Presidential order freezes amalgam separator rule
March 6, 2017
The freeze is intended to allow the administration time for executive review of the regulations. Once the freeze is lifted, requirements of the new rule will take effect 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which was previously scheduled for Jan. 24.Prescribers must access CURES 2.0 after March 5
March 2, 2017
CURES 1.0 will be discontinued on Sunday, March 5, 2017. The departments of Consumer Affairs and Justice have announced that beginning March 6 prescribing health care practitioners will only be able to access CURES 2.0.Advertising on Groupon allowed under new law
March 1, 2017
Legislation signed in September by Gov. Brown resolves a longstanding conflict concerning whether health care providers’ use of online marketing companies to advertise health care services constitutes fee splitting or payment for referrals, both of which are prohibited under state law.2016
EPA issues final rule: Amalgam separators required
December 16, 2016
The administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency has signed off on a final rule under the Clean Water Act to control the discharge of mercury and other metals entering the waste stream from dental practices.California's Oral Health Care System in a Snapshot
November 29, 2016
California dental facts sheet with stats about how many people in California go to the dentist, the number of dentists in California, and the amount of dentists who participate in Medicaid and Medicare.
Online CE Forum Launched for Harbor and Orange County Dental Societies
November 23, 2016
This online forum is a one-stop forum with hundreds of CE courses, live webinars, and useful product training –covering a wide range of clinical topics right at your fingertips. You now have learning options keep your practice on a successful path.Initial list of Covered California Dental Plans announced
October 12, 2016
Covered California has released some of the participating dental plans for the 2017 benefit year. Covered California's open enrollment period for 2017 coverage begins on Nov. 1 and ends Jan. 31, 2017. Family dental plans are offered during the renewal period, for Covered California members, and during open enrollment for new enrollees.
California's Prop 56 Tobacco Tax to Save Lives, Protect Children
August 26, 2016
In November, Californians will have a vital opportunity to stand up to tobacco companies and save lives. Proposition 56 will raise the state’s tax on tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) containing nicotine, which medical experts warn are creating a major public health threat to children.
CDA Cares Stockton Oct. 15-16 Registration Now Open
July 27, 2016
Join us in Stockton and help create thousands of stories of health and happiness for community members in need. CDA Cares Stockton Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016Tobacco Tax Measure is on the November Ballot as Prop. 56
July 8, 2016
The Secretary of State officially confirmed the tobacco tax measure for the November 2016 ballot and announced that it will be Proposition 56. To sign up in support of the campaign, please visit yesoncatobaccotax.com.BPA warning notice to patients
June 16, 2016
Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical present during the application of some composite fillings and sealants, has been added to the Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. Dental offices with 10 or more employees and that use composites and sealants are now required to post a new "Notice to Patients" about BPA in their practices.
Disability Insurance Awareness Month
April 29, 2016
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, which makes it a good time for dentists to make sure that their futures are protected. TDIC is encouraging dental professionals to consider the important role disability insurance plays in an individual's financial security.
CDA Cares Ventura Provides $1.5 million in free dental care
April 18, 2016
The California Dental Association Foundation’s volunteer dental clinic, CDA Cares, provided $1.5 million in charitable dental services to 1,884 people during the April 16-17, 2016 event at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. In addition to providing dental services at no charge to Californians who experience barriers to care, CDA Cares educates the public and policymakers about the importance of goodCalifornia raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour
April 2, 2016
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.joined legislators and labor leaders to announce a landmark agreement that makes California the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour statewide whichi is to be signed by Governor Brown on Monday, April 4, 2016.Pregnancy disability poster updates effective April 1
April 1, 2016
Effective April 1, 2016 employers are required to post two new workplace notices as part of their responsibilities under both amended regulations of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA).CA Legislation passes Tobacco Controls on e-cigarettes and smoking age
March 21, 2016
The California Legislature approved two groundbreaking tobacco regulation bills that will save the lives of thousands of Californians. Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign: SB 5 X2by Senator Mark Leno will classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products. This will make them subject to smoke-free laws, age restrictions and other rules governing tobacco products. SB 7 X2 by Senator Ed HernRequired Employment Poster Update
January 20, 2016
The Department of Industrial Relations requires employers to post information advising employees of workers' compensation benefits in a conspicuous location frequented by employees where it can be easily read during the workday. In addition to minor verbiage changes, the California Division of Workers’ Compensation made substantial changes to the notice (read more)
ADA Advocacy Wins for 2015 with an Eye on 2016
January 20, 2016
In 2015, the ADA advocated for a number of issues to improve outcomes for dentists and the patients they serve. Here are highlights of a number of those legislative wins and several key priorities for 2016.
CDA Cares Ventura April 16-17, 2016 Registration Open for Volunteers
January 13, 2016
CDA Cares allows volunteer dentists, with the assistance of other health professionals and community volunteers, to provide dental services at no charge to approximately 2,000 people at each bi-annual event. Put your compassion into action at CDA Cares Ventura. Volunteer!2015
Adult Dental Plans Available via Covered California
November 10, 2015
Covered California's open enrollment period for 2016 coverage began Nov. 1 and ends Jan. 31. Both adults and children can enroll in Covered California's family dental plans as an optional benefit. There is no tax penalty for consumers who elect not to enroll in the family dental plan, and no financial assistance (in the form of a tax credit) is available for purchasers of the family dental plan.CURES enrollment deadline for providers pushed to July 1, 2016
October 19, 2015
The CURES enrollment deadline for providers has officially been pushed back from Jan. 1 to July 1 of 2016. The change comes after the governor signed AB 679 (Allen). The bill was amended late in the legislative session due to concern that the most recent Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) update has fallen behind schedule. The CURES 2.0 was planned to be in usHappy Birthday Harbor Dental Society!
October 6, 2015
Today is a special day of celebration. Harbor Dental Society (HDS) began in Long Beach, not far from here, at the Hotel Schuler on October 6, 1915. Dues were $1.00 per year, and membership consisted of TEN Long Beach dentists! From the beginning, Harbor has shown a strong commitment to improving the oral health of the communities it serves.Dental Procedure Code Changes go into effect January 1, 2016
September 21, 2015
The ADA has released a resource that provides updated information to dentists on all of the latest dental code changes that will go into effect on January 1, 2016.New Online Licensing System by DCA to Launch by End of Year
August 11, 2015
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is set to launch a new computer licensing system for dentists, hygienists and assistants by year end.Be Cautious when Referring Patients to Side Businesses
July 23, 2015
CDA has been aware that an imaging company in Southern California is emailing dentists to offer a "bundle deal" on CT scans for patients. Purchasing such a package may be a violation of the Dental Practice Act because it would allow a profit on a referral.Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Notice by July 8 for Dentists
July 8, 2015
The effective date for employers to begin providing mandatory sick leave to all employees has arrived (July 1), and in addition to updating policies, dentists must also distribute a new/updated employee notice by July 8, 2015.California has a new state dental director
June 12, 2015
California has a new state dental director. Governor Jerry Brown announced Jayanth V.Kumar, DDS, MPH, will serve as California's new state dental director who brings more than 25 years experience to the position.California's Medical Waste Management Act impacts Dental Practices
June 1, 2015
California’s Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA) was amended earlier this year. As a result of this amendment, there are changes dental practices need to make. Here are the facts of the MWMA changes that impact dental practices...Compliance Date for Medicare Enrollment Jan. 1, 2016
May 19, 2015
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that the new compliance date for enrollment or opt out for dentists to the Medicare program is Jan. 1, 2016. The original deadline was June 1.New Medical Diagnostic Codes begin Oct. 1, 2015
May 5, 2015
Increasingly, dental plans are deferring to medical benefit carriers on certain dental procedures that can be claimed as medical procedures with patients’ medical plans. In submitting claims to medical plans, dentists need to be aware of and prepare for the adoption of new medical diagnostic codes that will be in use beginning Oct. 1.Revised Optimal Fluoride Level in Drinking Water Announced
April 29, 2015
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has determined 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water is the optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay. This recommendation, released April 27, 2015, updates and replaces the previous recommended range (0.7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter) issued in 1962.
Top 5 Trending Resources for CDA Practice Support
April 27, 2015
CDA Practice Support is designed to help dentists navigate the business side of dentistry with ease as it is chock-full of valuable resources to help them run their practices. The top five trending CDA Practice Support resources for this month are in the categories of practice management, employment practices, dental benefit plans and regulatory compliance.CDA Cares Sacramento provides $2 million in dental care
April 8, 2015
Hosted by the California Dental Association Foundation and CDA, the CDA Cares two-day dental clinic in Sacramento provided $2 million in charitable dental services to 2,080 people March 27-28.Testimonies from CDA members to fix Denti-Cal resonate with State Lawmakers
March 20, 2015
Harbor Dental Society member John Blake, DDS testified at the Senate and Assembly Health Committees hearing whereby he offered some of CDA's suggestions on how to fix Denti-Cal and increase reimbursement rates to allow dentists and clinics to serve more patients.Top 5 Trending Resources for CDA Practice Support
March 16, 2015
CDA Practice Support is designed to help dentists navigate the business side of dentistry with ease as it is chock full of valuable resources to help them run their practices. Drum roll please! The top five trending CDA Practice Support resources this month in the categories of practice management, employment practices, dental benefit plans and regulatory compliance...Whether to Opt in or Opt Out as a Medicare Provider
March 2, 2015
Summary: A requirement dentists need to keep in mind this year is the designation of their status with the Medicare program. CDA is receiving an increasing number of inquiries about what to consider when choosing your status. Conversations with the ADA and the Medicare administrator for California indicate that additional information, and reminders about the requirement, will be needed as the deadCDA Cares spotlights state oral health needs
February 6, 2015
The CDA Foundation is hosting a CDA Cares volunteer dental event in Sacramento next month, and the timing of the March 27-28 clinic couldn’t be better. The recent swearing-in of a large group of new state legislators will provide CDA with an opportunity to educate policymakers about the importance of oral health and the need for an adequately funded dental safety net in California.Dentistry Top Occupation of 2015
January 15, 2015
On Tuesday, US News & World Report (1/14) unveiled its list of “The 25 Best Jobs of 2015,” with dentists topping the tally. Of dentists, US News & World Report says that the best “deftly balance patient care with turning a profit – what good is the most nurturing dentist in town if he or she never sees any patients?” The article adds, “before getting to that stage, they endure rigorous technical aNew Radiation Machine Fees - Forms Required
January 14, 2015
As 2015 begins, there are new fees and forms dentists should be aware of regarding the use of radiation machines. Annual radiation machine registration fees went up from $79 to $93 as of Jan. 1. In addition, new forms are available from the California Department of Public Health to report the discontinuance of use and when a dentist is no longer in possession of any functional radiation machine.2014
Display Paid Sick Leave Law Poster by Jan. 1, 2015
December 29, 2014
The effective date for employers to begin providing mandatory sick leave to all employees is July 1, 2015, or on the first day of employment for new employees – whichever is later. The most notable information of late is that employers must comply with displaying the required poster for employees by Jan. 1, 2015. Read more to go to link for poster.
CDA Cares Pomona provides $1.66 million in care
November 25, 2014
The California Dental Association Foundation’s two-day dental clinic, CDA Cares, provided $1.66 million in charitable dental services to 1,861 people during the Nov. 21-22 event in Pomona.
Highlights of 2014 House of Delegates
November 18, 2014
Walter G. Weber, DDS, was installed as the new CDA president last week at the House of Delegates meeting in San Diego. Weber, a general dentist with a private practice in Campbell, is a graduate of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and Santa Clara University. He also earned a master's degree in Business Administration from Golden Gate University.Covered California changes how dental benefits will be offered in 2015
October 30, 2014
As California approaches the second full year of implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), California’s Health Benefit Exchange Board, responsible for Covered California, the state’s online insurance marketplace and for the overall implementation of the ACA in California, has announced some changes to how dental benefits will be offered in 2015.
Stronger Opposition Grows to Defeat Proposition 46
October 7, 2014
Why vote No on Proposition 46? Prop 46 will increase health care costs, reduce access to care and jeopardize citizens' personal prescription drug informationCompliance when using Independent Contractors for Dental Practices
September 24, 2014
Based on the number of calls coming in to CDA’s Practice Support, there seems to be confusion among dentists about how to pay hygienists and associates who are classified as independent contractors.Legislature approves CDA-sponsored bill protecting patient premiums
September 15, 2014
The California Legislature has approved a CDA-sponsored bill establishing standardized requirements for dental plans to report the amount of patient premium dollars spent directly on dental care.Hydrocodone Drugs Reclassified
August 28, 2014
Hydrocodone drugs reclassified; non-Schedule II dentists must register to continue prescribing Despite concerns expressed by the ADA and other stakeholders, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has finalized a rule to classify hydrocodone combination products such as Vicodin and Norco as Schedule II drugs instead of Schedule III. The reclassification, effective Oct. 6, will impact dentists withClearly Discuss Dental Benefits with Your Patients
August 25, 2014
“Do you accept my insurance?” this is a question that thousands of dental offices receive from prospective patients multiple times per day throughout the country. How your dental team responds to that question can set the tone in terms of patient expectations and determine the future of the doctor- patient relationship. In recent months, the question of how dental practices should be answeringState Releases New Chart on Dental Medical Waste Disposal
August 21, 2014
The state Department of Public Health (DPH) has posted a new chart on dental medical waste disposal. While the law hasn't changed, the new chart (shown below) can help dentists who are curious about the storage time for different types of medical waste.CDA Launches Practice Advising Services
August 7, 2014
To help member dentists on a more individual, personalized basis, CDA has launched CDA Practice Advising, an in-depth consulting service designed to help dentists practice smarter and increase their profitability.Beware of scam calls from fraudsters as IRS agents
July 30, 2014
CDA has heard from several members about a scam involving calls from fraudsters claiming to be IRS agents or other law enforcement authorities. The scammers threaten victims with arrest, deportation, license revocation or business closure unless the individual pays the taxes they claim are owed.
TDIC's New Fall Seminar on Patient Emotions
July 17, 2014
Registration for the new fall 2014 lineup of TDIC’s Risk Management seminar, Beyond the Science: Patient Emotions in Dentistry, is now open.
MICRA Update - No on 46 Campaign
July 15, 2014
The ballot measure that would quadruple the cap on non-economic damages under the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) has been assigned a number, Proposition 46, for the upcoming November election, while the campaign against it is gaining more powerful allies.Dental Licensure Fees Rising
July 3, 2014
Effective July 1, 2014, both the initial license and biennial license renewal fees will increase from $365 to $450. The fee increase was determined necessary by the Dental Board of California to correct the deficit between its revenue and expenditures.Dental director position gets green light
April 2, 2014
The establishment of a state dental director position to provide leadership and direction for oral health care in California, a goal CDA has actively pursued for more than two years, will soon become a reality...Dental License fees increasing
April 1, 2014
Effective July 1, 2014, both the initial license and biennial license renewal fees will increase from $365 to $450. The fee increase was determined necessary by the Dental Board of California to correct the deficit between its revenue and expenditures...The Fight is on to Protect MICRA!
March 25, 2014
The measure would significantly increase costs for health care consumers by billions each year, and jeopardize patient access to care all across California. From rural to underserved communities, this measure would have a devastating effect on the health care system...
World Oral Health Day set for March 20
March 18, 2014
March 20 is World Oral Health Day, a day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of good oral hygiene for everyone old and young...
Top speakers to bring a breadth of knowledge to CDA Presents
March 7, 2014
Dental professionals from around the world attend CDA Presents to learn about the latest clinical and technological advances...
Covered California focuses on dental plan offerings for 2015
February 26, 2014
Even with the rollout of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) barely under way, Covered California, the agency charged with implementing the ACA in this state, devoted considerable time last month to planning for expanded dental benefit offerings for 2015...